Below are some thoughts from previous clients who I have had the pleasure of working with in global workshops, lectures and public speaking events.

“The workshops have quickly become one of the favourite parts of my week. When I first started, I was going through a particularly bad patch at work, and through her sensitive and supportive guidance, I managed to use her workshops as an opportunity to really explore some of the difficult things I was experiencing. That window out of normal life allowed me to see new perspectives and helped me to take steps forward in my life that I had always resisted in the past. So often I would join the workshop feeling heavy and overwhelmed, and somehow, through her magical guidance, I would find moments of joy. Sometimes the workshops were really hard, sometimes they confronted difficult feelings, but I was always so glad to have done it. I have developed a real sense of pride in what I have written, and really enjoy sharing it with others. It has been a wonderful opportunity to explore my own creativity, and I’m so grateful!”

— Writing for wellbeing workshop, online.

“Excellent - great balance of personal and academic”

— Corporate workshop for Finecast, London.


"I definitely found this course useful. It really put things into perspective and helped me understand things about myself."

— Corporate workshop for Group M, London.

“It. Was. Awesome!”

— Community workshop for Prisoners, Dorset.


“They have been incredibly important and powerful, they have reignited a deep love for writing, a reconnection with my creativity and have taken care of my constant need to dive deeper into life. Hannah-Jayne holds a wonderful space. Whatever “it” is, she has it. She is honest, open, warm and professional. The sessions are something I look forward to every single week”

— Writing for wellbeing course, online.

“It was good information but not too much jargon - it made it easy to understand and apply!”

— Corporate workshop for RAA, Swindon.

“Training courses like this are usually delivered by a person trained in the subject with little to no first-hand experience, so it was a welcome change that somebody could teach from the point of view of the patient.”

— Corporate course for staff at HMP Guys Marsh, Dorset.

“These workshops have completely saved my soul the past couple of months. It was an amazing feeling to speak completely as myself. Hannah is so understanding, encouraging and really knows how to build you up in the most gentle way. She makes you feel you can write with no judgement. Some of the pieces from this class have changed the way I see things, touched me so deeply and made me proper belly laugh! It really is the best time of my week.”

— Writing for wellbeing workshop, online.